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Sales Department | Engines

Jet Engine PBS TJ100

The PBS TJ100 is the most popular of PBS's turbojet engines. It has achieved worldwide success, having been sold in over 40 countries. It is currently in use in over 1,000 applications around the globe and continues to bring great pride to the company. The turbojet engine is sought after for its compact design and excellent thrust-to-weight ratio as well as its ability to restart on the ground or in-flight and has the possibility of salt water recovery. 

According to PBS standards, the PBS TJ100 is constantly being innovated and has even inspired new developments such as PBS TJ150 (the most powerful turbojet engine from PBS). All aircraft engines are built and measured using 3D measurement of parts and assemblage.

Its advantage is its compact design, low weight with a thrust of up to 1,250 N, and low fuel consumption in the given power category. The generator output is 750 W. One of the PBS TJ100 jet engine versions enables landing on water. The PBS TJ100 engine is a single-shaft small jet engine consisting of a radial compressor, radial and axial diffuser, annular combustion chamber, axial turbine and a fixed outlet nozzle.

Technical parameters

Technical parameters Metric units Imperial units
Max. trust 1 250 N* 281 Ibf
Weight 17,60 kg 38.80 lb
Outer diameter 272 mm 10.71 in
Length 636 mm 25.04 in

Key parameters

Separate oil system

Separate oil system

This engine is lubricated by a separate oil system
Salt water recovery

Salt water recovery

The engine allows reuse after landing in salt water
Pyrotechnic ignition

Pyrotechnic ignition

The engine allows to start in seconds


The PBS TJ100 jet engine has been developed for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) including target
drones, remote carriers, unmanned combat systems and missiles.
PBS TJ100 Application 03
PBS TJ100 Application 02
PBS TJ100 Application 01

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We have long been working to extend the service life of our products, e.g. by introducing new technologies to produce the most exposed parts. Our turbine-based aircraft equipment regularly receives very good references.