Non-destructive testing

We perform non-destructive testing at workplaces that meet the strictest quality requirements.
  • Capillary test (penetration test)
  • Radiographic test (x-ray test)
  • Magnetic test
Defectoscopy tests performed in PBS are certified according to internationally recognized NADCAP certification and other certification authorities. The non-destructive defectoscopy is performed by personnel certified according to EN ISO 9712 and aviation standard NAS410/EN4179.

PBS has an internal L3 and internal auditor of NDT processes for all the mentioned NDT methods, aswell as fourteen L2-certified professionals. 

Parameters, i.e. types of tests

Capillary test

The capillary test isan NDT test used to identify cracks and defects on the tested surface. Capillary testing is performed in lines using fluorescent agents (penetrants) from medium sensitivity to very high sensitivity. High and very high-sensitivity penetrants can be used to test pieces up to a size of 400 mm.

Penetrants of medium sensitivity are used to perform penetration tests on pieces with a diameter of 700 mm and a height of up to 400 mm.

Larger products can be tested with portable fluorescent agents or portable penetrants. Capillary testing of welds is generally performed with portable penetrants.

Radiographic test

  • The X-ray test or radiation of metallic or non-metallic substances in PBS is performed by film or digital radiography with a YXLON 450kV stationary X-ray tube (realistic radiability when maintaining a sensitivity of about 75mm Fe).
  • Radiographic film – YXLON 450kV X-ray tube, D2–D7 films, dimensions up to 35x43 cm.
  • Automatic processing. Computed radiography - U, S films, dimensions 35x43 cm, CR Flex scanner.

Magnetic test

This type of non-destructive test is suitable for detecting cracks and defects on the tested surface. The magnetic test is performed onan FWDC stationary magnetizer using a fluorescent magnetic suspension. The maximum size of a product tested by the stationary magnetizer is limited to a diameter of 20mm and a length of 600mm.Testing of welds and larger products is performed with an AC magnetic yoke.

Why us?

NADCAP certification

NADCAP certification

The NADCAP accreditation received by PBS is proof of compliance with the strictest quality requirements for defectoscopy. 
Qualified and experienced personnel

Qualified and experienced personnel

All the non-destructive testing carried out in PBS is performed by reliable and experienced staff.