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Marika Kroutilova
Marika Kroutilova
Marika Kroutilova
Sales Department | ECS

ECS-Y12F Environmental Control System 

  • Cooling, heating and ventilation in one compact system
  • Ecological operation - no coolant
  • Minimal power consumption
The ECS-Y12F was developed and designed for the new-generation, multi-purpose turboprop transport aircraft Y12F, but it can also be modified for other similar aircraft. This environmental control system has many advantages including its all-in-one compact cooling, heating and ventilation system; minimal power consumption and lack of coolant, granting it an ecological operation. It has a service life up to 9,000 hours and can operate up to 7,000 meters in altitude.

As is true for all of PBS’s ECS units, the installation is extremely simple and it has exceptional TBO (time between overhauls). It also does not utilize an electric drive, meaning there is much less noise pollution and there is a reduction in the initial cost of the system. We can also make adjustments and variations of the unit upon our customer’s requirements, guaranteeing that our product will be in optimal working condition for your aircraft.

The system is designed for cooling and heating the lightweight twin-propeller Y12F aircraft with a capacity for 19 passengers and 2 pilots. The system can also be modified for other applications.


Look at the Environmental control systems brochure here.

ECS-Y12F Parameters

Technical parameters SI units Imperial units
Cooling performance max. 7.0 kW max. 23,900 BTU/hr
Heating performance max. 19.7 kW max. 67,300 BTU/hr
Airflow max. 1,000 kg/h max. 2,200 lbs/hr
Temperature of air entering the cockpit +15°C to +30°C +59°F to +86°F
Weight 41.0 kg 90.4 lbs
Dimensions length x height x width 1,024 x 323 x 771 mm 40.31 × 12.72 × 30.35 in
Operating altitude 0 to 7,000 m 0 to 23,000 ft
Service life 9,000 h 9,000 hr


Why us?

Easy installation

Easy installation

Like many ECS from PBS, the ECS-Y12F can very easily be installed into an Y12F aircraft which holds 19 passenger plus 2 pilots. In addition, the system can be modified for specific conditions and requirements, per the customer's needs.
No electric drive required

No electric drive required

One of the top features of the ECS-Y12F is that it does not require an electric drive, thereby ensuring minimal power consumption and an ecological operation without the use of a coolant.

Service, spare parts and overhauls of aerospace technology

We provide service of the highest quality for all users of our aerospace technology products.

We have long been working to extend the service life of our products, e.g. by introducing new technologies to produce the most exposed parts. Our turbine-based aircraft equipment regularly receives very good references.