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Bohuslav Pinkava
Bohuslav Pinkava
Sales Department | Power Engineering

Steam condensing turbines


Condensing turbines TG and CSTG

We provide both the supply of the turbine itself (with the possibility of taking steam from the turbine) and the main condenser, as well as the complete condensate management including pumps.

Steam condensing turbines TG

Medium-pressure and high-pressure multistage single-shaft axial turbines are placed in power units for power generation and mechanical drives.
Technical parameters Steam condensing turbines TG
Inlet steam pressure up to 9 MPa., max. temperature 500 °C
Type of steam exhaustion regulated and unregulated
Governing nozzle or throttle governing with one control valve
Clutch power from 600 kWe to 15 MWe
Use drive for electric generator, compressor, pump, fan
  delivered on a common frame with a gearbox
  in special versions for direct drive of high-speed turbochargers (without gearbox)

Steam condensing turbines TG II

These are double-shaft turbines with a high-pressure and low-pressure TG module, which are connected in series. They are therefore also suitable for double-pressure steam boilers, as they allow steam to be supplied to the turbine at two pressure levels. Medium-pressure multistage turbines for low output power units and mechanical drives.
Technical parameters Steam condensing turbines TG II
Input steam pressure up to 4.2 MPa, temperature up to 480 °C, flow rate up to approx. 20 t/hr.
Type of steam exhaustion regulated and unregulated
Outlet steam pressure from 7 kPa to approx. 40 kPa
Governing nozzle or throttle governing with one control valve
Clutch power from 600 kW do 3 MW
Use drive for electric generator, compressor, pump, fan
  delivered on a common frame with a gearbox

Steam condensing turbines CSTG

Low-pressure multistage single-shaft axial turbines for large volumetric flow rates of inlet steam are placed in low-pressure low output power units, or on the outlets or exhausts of front-end large back pressure turbines. They increase electricity production when the exhaust heat or steam from these turbines declines.
Technical parameters Steam condensing turbines CSTG
Input steam absolute pressure 0.1 – 1,5 MPa, temperature 100 - 350 °C, flow rate up to approx. 100 t/hr.
Type of steam exhaustion regulated and unregulated
Outlet steam absolute pressure from 5 kPa to approx. 40 kPa
Governing nozzle or throttle governing with one control valve
Clutch power from 600 kW do 10 MW
Use drive for electric generator, compressor, pump, fan
  delivered on a common frame with a gearbox
  in special versions for direct drive of high-speed turbochargers (without gearbox)

Steam condensing turbines CSTG II

Medium-pressure multistage turbines for low output power units. These are double-shaft turbines with a high-pressure and low-pressure CSTG module, which are connected in series. They are therefore also suitable for double-pressure steam boilers, as they allow steam to be supplied to the turbine at two pressure levels.
Technical parameters Steam condensing turbines CSTG II
Inlet steam: pressure up to 4.5 MPa, temperature up to 480 °C, flow rate up to approx. 50 t/hr.
Type of steam exhaustion: regulated and unregulated
Outlet steam: pressure from 5 kPa to 40 kPa
Governing: nozzle or throttle governing with one control valve
Clutch power: from 600 kW do 3 MW
Use: drive for electric generator, compressor, pump, fan
  delivered on a common frame with a gearbox

Application in production

Steam turbine Kosit

Delivery of a 6.4 MWe steam condensing turbine for the Kosit ZEVO in Košice. The steam turbine is equipped with one regulated intake and one unregulated intake for heat recovery.

Steam condensing turbine Goole

Delivery of steam condensing turbine type CSTG II to England. The 2.7 MWe steam turbine is designed with the steam input at the saturation point.

Why us?

Years of experience

Years of experience

PBS currently has 200 years of experience in the construction of high-quality and efficient steam turbines. Itis a top manufacturer ofcondensing steam turbines.
Universal use in many industries

Universal use in many industries

Steam turbines are suitable for a wide range of industries. Their use iseffective in many ways. 

Service, spare parts and overhauls of power engineering equipment

We offer our customers a comprehensive range of turbine set.

We provide all repairs in the framework of revisions, as well as outside of this framework in the case of sudden failures or breakdowns. The turbine repairs can range from medium repairs of individual components to overhauls of machinery including auxiliary equipment.