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Bohuslav Pinkava
Bohuslav Pinkava
Sales Department | Power Engineering

Power turbines


Simple single shaft single stage turbines

They are designed to drive pumps, turbocompressors, fans, mills and crushers, or can be used to drive an electric generator.

The turbine is connected to the powered machine directly, i.e. without a gearbox. A gearbox is used at low speeds of the powered machine and when higher efficiency is required. They are equipped with one turbine stage located between the shaft bearings and two carbon ring seals. The turbine stage is implemented with partial admission of the impeller in two basic modifications - axial impulse stage and Curtis stage. The turbines are designed for long-lasting operation as well as temporary operation with very fast start-ups from hot standby and full power load in a matter of seconds.

Steam power turbine PC 750 (API 611)

A modern single-stage turbine whose design meets all the requirements of API 611, e.g. steam inlet and outlet on the bottom half of the casing, dynamically rigid rotor (critical speed is significantly higher than the maximum operating and trip speeds). Bearing lubrication with overpressure oil supplied by the oil pump. The turbine is also available with a gearbox or without for direct drive.

It is on a common frame with a gearbox and a powered machine.
The turbine developed in the years of 2014-2016 is characterized by its high efficiency and therefore low specific steam consumption per 1kW of clutch power, as well as the option of operation with very high outlet steam pressure.

Technical parameters PC 750
Inlet steam: pressure up to 12 MPa., max. temperature 535 °C
Outlet steam: pressure up to 2.6 MPa
Governing: throttling with one control valve and with the overload valve
Clutch power: up to 2.2 MW

PC, Mv and PCPL type steam drive turbines 

The steam turbine PCPL 700 has an integrated gearbox. or with pressure lubrication. Throttle or nozzle control. without the need for an oil pump is usually annular Bearing lubrication The steam inlet is usually in the upper half of the casing, the outlet in the lower half of the casing. based on our design tradition.These turbines are
Technical parameters Units Mv
400, 550, 700
PC 400 PC 850 PCPL 700
Clutch power: kW 10-700 40-200 700-1800 750
Revolutions per min.: 1/min 1450-4500 1450-4500 1450-4500 1000-1500
Inlet steam: Bar a 9-45 9-45 60-100 10-45
Steam temperature: °C 200-460 200-460 400-545 200-460
Inlet steam: Bar a 1-7 1-7 1-16 1-16


Multistage turbines for propulsion 

Multistage axial condensing and back pressure turbines are also used as drive turbines. Our condensing turbines are also used to drive a gear compressor in Poland or directly drive a compressor in Hungary.

Application in production

Steam turbine Nitrogenmüvek

A steam condensing turbine with an output of 4.2 MW and a speed of up to 13,000 rpm drives an air compressor.

PC 750 Cameron 

An API 611 compliant steam turbine powers a compressor in India. The turbine's coupling capacity is 2.2 MW.

Service, spare parts and overhauls of power engineering equipment

We offer our customers a comprehensive range of turbine set.

We provide all repairs in the framework of revisions, as well as outside of this framework in the case of sudden failures or breakdowns. The turbine repairs can range from medium repairs of individual components to overhauls of machinery including auxiliary equipment.